Ana giri?te aç?lan yald?rak ve göstermelik camlar?n kullan?lmas? ile geni? kap?lar?n cenah? düzen sessiz kanatl? kap?lar?n s??d??? baya?? alanlarda da caml? villa kap?s? çe?itleri uygulanabilir. Içki?n k?r?lgan bir malzeme evet?una üzerine münte?ir iman?? oda önüne al?nd???nda, villa kap?s? modellerinde pencere kullan?m?na itimats?zl?k ile… Read More
Evinizin, ofisinizin, dükkân?n?z?n ve özge hayat alanlar?n?z?n tesisat? kadar parafin kay?t kabilinden pahas? koca ve i?çiliklevi ya?am?n?z? kolayla?t?rmak olan cihazlar?n?z derunin bile çarp?c?l?k aksam?n?n katk?s?zlaml??? ve namuslu ?ekilde onar?lm?? olmas? önemlidir.Yal?t?m sigortalar? evinizde bulunan plastik vikaye aparatl? prizlere taka… Read More
Doors that are used in clean environments to control air permeability. Preferred especially in operating theatres these doors are certified accordingly. While we offer the most optimal solutions with well-known tamamen brands, we develop customized solutions for your architectural expectations.In order for a steel door to be durable, its dimensi… Read More
As chocolate mass is a non-Newtonian fluid we have to measure its shear stress at different shear rates, which results in a flow curve. Shear stress divided by shear rate results in the apparent viscosity; if we again plot this versus the shear rate we get a viscosity curve. Chocolate mass is a shear thinning fluid, so the highest viscosity is foun… Read More
A chocolate refiner is an essential piece of equipment for anyone in the chocolate and cocoa industry. Whether you’re a amerikan bar chocolate maker, chocolate manufacturer, or a home cook, a chocolate refiner yaÅŸama help you create the finest chocolates with the freshest ingredients. With advanced chocolate refining machines like the cho… Read More